I got in my car to drive somewhere. While I am often on auto-pilot, consumed in
my brain while driving to my destination, today I took a moment to remind
myself that I needed to be present.
husband has been out of the country on business since August. We met for a
short vacation during November in Malaysia. He returned to his work overseas
and I returned to Arizona, mere hours before the Paris attacks.
grandstanding followed this as well as media sensationalism that stoked the
levels of fear for all susceptible.
shooting in the United States that followed, and they have been almost daily,
raised the levels of fear of who the next perpetrator or victim might be. Waiting for the next shoe to drop. Hoping it is not a shoe related to you in any way.
came San Bernardino.
my husband talks to me about being safe, being careful. He is so scared for me.
First, because I wear a scarf, becoming an obvious target and opportunity for
any person blinded and crazed by fear, looking to take back “control” by
“taking out” the “enemy.”
because he is not here. He cannot protect me. He is powerless to ensure my safety or even respond if something were to happen to me.
Third, because sensational
news always appears scarier from far away and on foreign broadcasts – and sensational
news is all we seem to have these days.
Everyday he hears politicians and media stoking the fires of fear and hate against Muslims. Everyday he sees news reports of Muslims being harassed or attacked, and maybe worse, people who are not Muslim being harassed or attacked because the perpetrators cannot tell the difference.
today I vowed to be more present, not to allow myself to be on autopilot in my
car or in my surroundings. Not from fear but for vigilance. It is the
responsible thing to do when tensions are high.
remembered a couple of years ago; I was driving on an Arizona highway on
autopilot – driving from one location to another that I travel so often. I know
I was on autopilot because I could never remember anything before the
“incident.” I know that I changed lanes
from the right lane to the center lane. As I was driving along, I heard a car
horn on my right and looked out my passenger window. A woman was honking her horn until I looked at
her – she then started giving me “the bird,” flipping me off. I was
confused. She continued to keep pace
with me, driving somewhat erratically because she was so focused on continuing
with her finger jesters out her window. It went on for several minutes. I
finally gave her a finger sign back – the sign-language symbol for love.
I never did know what happened. Did I change lanes without a blinker? Did I cut her off on the highway? Did I swerve too close to her lane at some point? Those were my first thoughts. Was it just that she saw a Muslim driving a car? It could have been. It may even have been a minor traffic offense that escalated in her mind once she saw me, how I look. I do not know and honestly have not spent much time thinking about it either way. It was her anger, not mine.
tensions are high. Maybe higher than they have ever been. When Bill O-Reilly starts pointing out that not all Muslims are bad, you gotta start to wonder
just how bad things are for Muslims.
high tensions are like powder kegs waiting for a spark. Any spark will do. Road
rage alone is enough, add a second trigger - hate, fear, prejudice – and the
danger increases exponentially. Disagreements about work or customer service can become deadly with just addition straw - that straw that breaks the camel's back.
So I
was present today. I turned off my mind and focused on the road, on my
surroundings. I consciously used my blinker. I engaged the alarm system on my
car that indicates when I get too close to road lines. When I parked, I noticed
my surroundings before I exited my car. I did the same as I entered buildings
and interacted with people.
when you get off Facebook, turn off the news, and interact with the average
person, it almost seems like things are pretty normal. I have not felt like I
have gotten even a sideways glance. Everyone has been nice. I smile. They
smile. I am friendly. They are friendly.
did not expect anything bad to happen. I was not fearful something would
happen. I was my normal self. I was just careful – as all women really have to be
in this day and age anyway.
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